Monday, March 17, 2008

#20 - Summary

Well, I have to say that the time has gone by rather fast since we started this project.

As a team here at Mechanicsville, I feel that everyone rallied around each other and that really helped us to complete! I believe that everyone came away with some knowledge about Web 2.0 technology that they didn't have before so in that respect it was a success! Sure, there were a few "I'll never use this!" or "Why would someone want to use this?!" in moments of frustration but in the greater scheme of things it will help us be better informed for our patrons.

In order to not lose our new found knowledge I think it would be important to have periodic updates about new emerging technologies from time to time after we have all finished the 20 things.

Also, to improve the PRL 20 things project in the future it may help to have a group of persons or a team comprised of a mix of tech savvy and not so tech savvy to create the posts because there was a slight gap for some based on lack of experience with technology.

I thought it was a great opportunity and I appreciate all who contributed to this project and made it possible! Thanks!
P.S. Photo is courtesy of the U.S. Army and was photographed by Jack Gillund.


I did some searching and found a children's book review podcast entitled "Just One More Book!". I added it as a widget on my blog! I wouldn't say that children's literature is my strong suit in terms of readers advisory so the ability to take a listen to this podcast from time to time could help me in that area. That's just one of the ways that we can use podcasts to continue with being a life long learner!

I think that NPR also has some informative podcasts as well!

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Web 2.0

I have really enjoyed It is a project that analyzes specific tones and "genes" of music songs and then creates a customized playlist for you based on what you like. It is a lot of fun and I have found some new music based on its choices. If you go to the website and read about the Music Genome Project, it is pretty amazing!
Here are some of my bookmarked artists:

Google Docs

I have used Google documents several times for some of my classes. It is great because when doing any sort of team work where you may not be in close contact with your teammates it is an easy way to create your project. Each person can contribute and everyone is able to see the changes in real time.

You are even able to chat with your teammates if they are editing at the same time as you. It is a neat tool!

(I wrote this in Google Docs and then posted to the blog...pretty easy to use!)


I think wikis are a great way to share information! A good example of that was the Teen Tech Week wiki that I used last year. I will include the link at the bottom of this post. It had a lot of good ideas that other library systems had used, including using gaming systems to bring teens into the library. This led us to having our own gaming night using the Wii gaming system.

Second Life

Well, Second Life is an interesting place! I have used it before in one of my classes and right now Florida State U. is constructing a virtual campus. Soon, I will be able to visit my professor during office hours to discuss issues, concerns, etc. My professor said the only difference is that the couches in his virtual office are much nicer than the ones in his real office :-)!
I think that there is a place for Second Life in is another avenue to reach people and offer services. It can also be used to hold programs and seminars. If you go to an art museum in Second Life you can buy a t-shirt to show off your visit to the museum, maybe our Friends group can sell virtual least the manufacturing cost would be minimal!

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Library 2.0

Library 2.0 is a hot topic right now and of course there are a variety of different opinions about it. I think that the perspective of Michael Stephens("Into a new world of librarianship") has a lot of good points.

I think that libraries need to rely and focus on their user's needs and incorporate technology based on those needs. Like he said it is important to keep up with technology but not just for the sake of having the newest thing.

I agree that libraries need to keep up with trends and focus on a way to deliver what the patrons need! The way that people gather and search for information is very different these days!

#13 - Technorati

To answer the question to Exercise question #1 I referred to the help screen...
The Technorati Blog Directory
You can always search the Technorati Blog Directory to find blogs about the subjects you're interested in or to find blogs by their blog title.

So, with keyword I got results (even with quotations) that used the words learning and 2.0 except the results did not necessarily talk about the subject of learning 2.0 but when searching the blog directory I got more focused results.

Something that surprised me was the amount of blogging going on about political candidates. I knew people were blogging about Britney Spears but some of the most popular tags were Barack Obama and Hillary!

# 12 - Bag it, Tag it, sell to the butcher in the store...

I have used before and to be quite honest I have not found it to be all that useful to me personally. I mainly do work on my personal computer and still use "my favorites" to tag important websites.
Having said that, if I had a home network with multiple computers I could see myself using it more because I could find my favorites on both computers.

In the library I could see us using it as a way to keep recommended websites easily accessible.